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Baltic Shop Creates | Narrative Textiles (2 Week Course)

Sat 3 & 10 May 2025 | 13:00-15:00
Book Place

Tell your story in mixed media and stitch in this two-part course led by Ailish Henderson, an artist and author of Narrative Textiles: Tell your Story in Mixed Media and Stitch, available from Baltic Shop. 
By purchasing a ticket, you are comitting to attending both sessions.

Baltic Shop Creates | Narrative Textiles (2 Week Course)

Sat 3 & 10 May 2025 | 13:00-15:00
£55 per person

Learn how to tell your story in mixed media and stitch in this two-part course where you will be shown how to use personal resources, such as images on your phone or memento materials to build up a story piece of your own.


Week One

During this first session, Ailish will give a short talk, titled 'Narrative Textiles'. You will learn about the artist’s own pathway in developing creative outcomes from personal stories inspiring you in creating your own. Provided with visual examples and ideas you will then begin planning and developing a piece yourself and testing out ideas. 

Week Two

Continuing from the previous week, you will be guided through the phases to complete your final piece. There will be a pack provided but you’re invited to bring any materials you wish to use, such as your own special fabrics. Whether you prefer drawing or collage, mixed media or painting you will have the opportunity to explore your ideas in a relaxed setting.

Note: Please bring along your own visual fuel as a starting point to work from e.g. a family photograph, vintage materials or even an old napkin! All the embroidery and drawing materials will be provided.

Refreshments will be provided.

Please advise us of any dietary requirements or allergies.

Suitable for ages 12+

Please note we cannot offer refunds on this event.


We want our events to be inclusive and accessible. If you have any accessibility requests or questions, please email Ahead of your visit, you can find out about Baltic’s facilities and accessibility here.


Baltic Shop Creates Workshops

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