Creative Climate Club is a free, monthly meeting for people who care about nature and are interested in creatively responding to the world around us, our local environment, and wider climate issues.
The monthly meetings will involve creative activities which can help us care for the environment, such as:
- Creative opportunities with artists such as painting, collage, sketch-booking and photography
- Opportunities to learn with local community experts such as bee foraging walks, pond ecology and talks about the Rive Tyne and its health
- The chance to make a connection with local nature, wildlife and planting of urban spaces, such as a ‘garden crawl’ to local community gardens
Sat 26 Apr | 14:00-16:00
Join the Baltic Beekeepers for a walking tour focusing on the surprising range of nearby plants which provide the local bees, including our rooftop honeybees, with their nectar and pollen. We'll meet in Baltic Front Room and venture out from there, returning at the end for a well-deserved complimentary drink.
Pond Dipping
Sat 24 May | 14:00-16:00
This month we'll take a trip to Ouseburn for an equally fun and informative pond-dipping session with geographer, artist and pond ecologist Mike Jeffries. Then join us in June for a follow-on session creating zines inspired by our findings.

Over time, members of the club will collaborate to develop our next steps, identifying practical tasks like litter picks, gardening and tree planting that we’d like to collectively participate in, new places we’d like to visit and people we’d like to hear from, and creative activities we can respond with.
Held in our Front Room for ages 13+. Please book a free ticket before attending, donations warmly welcomed.
Creative Climate Club is part of Birds, Bees, Bikes & Trees, a three-year partnership between Baltic, North East Young Dads & Lads (NEYDL) and Newcastle University , funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Read More about Birds, Bees, Bikes & Trees
The young dads creating a buzz about climate action on Baltic’s rooftop

Part of Spring Welcome
Enjoy four weeks of nature tours, bike rides, workshops and activities which embrace the changes of a new season.

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As a registered charity, donations to Baltic are crucial as rising costs threaten our ability to
- Keep our exhibitions free entry and accessible to everyone
- Preserve support and opportunities for our communities to thrive
- Maintain our historical and iconic building