Artist Submissions
Our programme is planned two years in advance, with the majority of exhibitions arising from direct invitations to artists and curators.

Artist Submissions
Baltic's exhibition programme is devised by the Curatorial team and is planned up to two years in advance, with the majority of exhibitions and projects arising from direct invitations to artists and other institutions and partners. We are rarely able to accommodate unsolicited proposals.
If you do choose to send a submission to Baltic, please email it to [javascript protected email address], where it will be reviewed by a member of our Curatorial team. Please note: we receive a high number of submissions and therefore can only provide feedback on individual submissions that might be taken forward.
Submissions should include:
• An introduction stating your reason for contacting Baltic.
• A short statement summarising the proposed exhibition or the nature of your work, and a CV where appropriate.
• Images of the intended works or images from your portfolio, with titles, dimensions/duration, dates and media. Please do not send any original material.
• Your ideal timescale for realising the project.
Before submitting, please also note:
- We are not a commercial gallery and do not represent artists or sell works on their behalf.
- We do not accept original artworks and cannot be held responsible for any materials that are sent to us.
- Materials will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
- As all artist proposals will be redirected to the Curatorial team, there is no need to contact curators individually.
- If you are unable to email your artwork to us, it is possible to send your submission by post to the below address:
Programme Team
Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art South Shore Road

Artist Studio Visits
Baltic's curatorial team offers a limited number of studio visits each year as part of our Artist Development Program. Applications for these visits open at specific times throughout the year. Please refer to our Current Opportunities page for information on when studio visits are available.
If you’re interested in a studio visit outside of these opportunities, please contact We’ll do our best to accommodate your request.
Please note that we are rarely able to accommodate requests sent to individual curators. We receive a high volume of requests and can only conduct a certain number of studio visits per year.