Jordan Edge (Kiik Amor) announced as 2024 Baltic|States Artist in Residence
16 Feb 2024
Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead and Narva Art Residency (NART) in Estonia are pleased to announce Jordan Edge (Kiik Amor) as Baltic|States Artist in Residence for 2024. They will participate in a residency at Narva Art Residency (NART) in Estonia this March.

The Baltic|States Residency Exchange Programme enables artist and curator research and professional development through a series of supported residencies, studio visits, curator study visits and commissions at Baltic, Gateshead and partner venues in the Baltic region. The programme builds relationships through cross-cultural exchange connecting artists, arts professionals and institutions. Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, named after the Baltic Sea, was a former flour mill housing grain from the Baltic region, and the North East has long established trading routes with Baltic countries.
Participants are invited to respond to the current shifting geopolitical landscape in Europe and develop work that explores borders, identity, citizenship and belonging. They are also encouraged to find points of connection between the Baltic region and the North East of England, building networks with the artistic communities and creating dialogue that transcends borders and geographies at a time of rapid social and political change. Artists and curators who have participated in residencies and study visits as part of the Baltic|States programme include Andrius Arutiunian (2019), Susie Green (2020) Maria Kapajeva (2023), Eglė Mikalajūnė and Asta Vaičiulytė (2022).
In 2024, Baltic has partnered with NART to support a North East-based emerging artist to spend a month in residence in Narva, Estonia, in March 2024. Narva is located on the Estonian-Russian international border and is Estonia’s third largest city.

About the Artist
Jordan Edge (Kiik Amor) is a trans artist/curator from the North East of England working within the fields of experimental practice and sonic arts. Their world is based at the intersection of experience design, performance art, and trans-sonic world-building. They present hybrid species, non-human and queer/trans sonic narratives through multidisciplinary experiences.They will focus their time at NART creating an immersive storytelling experience through physical and digital interpretations of the geopolitical relationships between the North East of England and the Baltic region. They will research the distant mythologies that tie these places together, looking at material and spiritual societies that have emerged from their rich industrial pasts. Edge/Amor has exhibited internationally at independent galleries, festivals, venues and institutions including: Royal Academy of Arts, London; OverKill Festival & Sick House, Netherlands; ACKUA Gallery, Kyoto and The Glass House International Centre for Music, Gateshead.

About the Partner Institution
Narva Art Residency (NART) is a cultural platform founded in 2015. It facilitates residencies, art exhibitions, talks and educational workshops. It is located in Narva city on the Estonian-Russian border on the historical Kreenholm site. The international artist-in-residency programme is open for artists operating across a wide range of disciplines, including visual arts, music, performance, architecture, design, film, literature, curatorial practices and more. It generates creative exchange between practitioners and strengthens links with the local community. NART is located at the historicist villa, which was originally built for the director of Kreenholm Textile Manufacture. In close proximity stand the vacant factory buildings that once formed the largest enterprise of its kind in Europe.
This residency opportunity has been developed in partnership with NART, the Embassy of Estonia in London and the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center (ECADC).