Donate today to Keep Baltic Free
Your donations will help us to safeguard the incredible free access to our constantly changing exhibitions so anyone can experience art and our much loved, iconic quayside building.
We’ve stood for free entry for 22 years. We share the work of some of the most inspiring and vital artists from across the world, to surprise, delight and encourage all to enjoy a creative life.
As a registered charity (Registered charity number 1076251), we need to raise income through fundraising, shop sales, and commercial activities. Today, it’s more important than ever.

We raise funds to
• Present art that provokes thoughts, challenges ideas, and invites discussion
• Deliver learning and engagement activities for 468,867 people a year
• Welcome people from all walks of life to experience art and share memorable moments
• Maintain our much loved, quayside building
• Keep entry free

Here for our communities
Baltic welcomes people from all walks of life to experience art, create and learn together. Last year 468,867 people took part in creative and learning activities, almost all from our region.
We’re here for our communities. In Front Room, our drop-in community space, we’ve served 120,000 free hot drinks to date. We offer free breakfasts during all school holidays so children can start the day right. We provided 1,257 free breakfasts in 2023.
Whether you are enjoying the iconic views, playing in the Sensory Room, or taking part in programmed activities, Baltic is for you.

Awe-inspiring art
Baltic commissions and develops artists from all walks of life and from all over the globe. We believe presenting art that provokes thoughts, challenges ideas, and invites discussion helps to bring greater understanding of the world.
Rising costs and reduced funding threaten our future ability to offer free entry. As a registered charity (Registered charity number 1076251), donations are vital to continuing our work.
Please donate today.